LiV NOT by Religion & a Set of Rules

A religious person lives by a set of rules! They are normally not victorious but live under the mercy of the satanic! They are always frustrated, sometimes hateful, tired, fearful, proud, panic easily, stressed, controlling, can easily sin, and are unhappy!

If you are in church but not born of the Spirit of God, you will still be a slave to sin though guided by a set of rules!

A spiritual person filled by the Holy Spirit lives by grace and is able to keep nearly any set of rules thrown on their way! They are normally victorious without focusing on the rules as they are led by love!

When are we Godly Spiritual and NOT religious?

1. REALISATION that the silent yearning for satisfaction in your soul is NOT going to be FIXED by wealth, fame, food, drink, any gratification of your flesh such as sex, and other sensory activities, but ONLY by The Holy Spirit.

2. When you start living by showing LOVE towards your fellow man and NOT base your interaction on a set of rules. When your heart changes from that of a Pharisee. The Pharisees didn’t have an iota of mercy towards anyone. Their set of rules were more important as one could not even be healed on a sabbath.

3. When you start RELYING on the Holy Spirit’s anointing and NOT your eloquence.

4. When your whole life is being GUIDED by the Holy Spirit and program or schedule is secondary to that.

5. When you don’t base your spiritual development on a religious education but on CHARACTER building, that is, being moulded by the Holy Spirit.

6. When you DON’T base your belief on THEOLOGY but REVELATION.

7. When you judge the hidden through DISCERNMENT not PSYCHOLOGY.

8. When you live by realisation that SPIRITUAL POWER is NOT always humanly sensible.

By Joseph GM

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